The first mobile game to contain Arabic animé characters
Our Games
We make games for Arabic speakers first.
We dig into their reservoir of thousands of years of history for inspiration, and sometimes, simple insights about some of their unique behaviors just guide our creativity.
Our core competencies are occasionally available for hire. We excel in 4X Strategy, RPG, Social, and Turn-based.

Original Titles
We make games for Arabic speakers first. We dig into their reservoir of thousands of years of history for inspiration, and sometimes, simply some insights about their unique behaviors guide our creativity.

Custom Development
We have a decade of experience in 4X Strategy, RPG, Social, and Turn-based. If you are looking to develop a game by leveraging our strengths, please feel free to reach out.

Success as a Service
Occasionally, we are contacted by developers or publishers wishing to enter the MENA market. If our team is excited about the game, our formula is quite simple: the game remains yours, while we contribute all the publishing activities for free (managing UA, Live Ops, Customer Support, Localization) and get paid on a per DAU basis after the launch in the MENA.